Sunday, 20 January 2013


Extending of station to Punggol East need to take 17 years ? It's like seriously extending station to Punggol east from current Punggol Station just 1 stop !  Why is there a need to take SOOOOO long ?! 

In china , Building of train line took only less than 3 years .. somemore , it's a bullet train.  

So i seriously don't get why S'pore need to to take 17 years just to extend one more station from Punggol station to Punngol East station .. somemore , it's just a normal train .. not a bullet train. 

So are u trying to say that , Extending of ONE station need to take 17 years .. 
So wat about 10 stations ?  It going to take 170 years ? 

I just can't stop laughing pls after knowing this news. HAHAHAHAHAHA !

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